My mom died when I was 20, so I have come to value the advice and wisdom of other women. Some older, some not. I think we can learn A LOT from our sisters in Christ! I'd love for you to join in! Just answer the this question:
What have learned from another woman this week? (or ever)
Enter your link below and link back here somewhere within your post!
Today I am choosing to honor my friend, Theresa...
Theresa is a fabulous cook who is generous enough to bring me left overs and samples here and there! I cannot remember the first time that I had given her something in a dish, but when she returned it back to me it was, of course, washed...and filled! With moist towelettes. I said, "What is this all about???" She informed me that "in the south," you never return a dish empty...usually she would have filled it with chocolates or some yummy treat, but she was fresh out so she gave what she had...moist towelettes! I LOVED it! Since then I have tried to never return a dish empty. Once I literally had NOTHING to put in a dish, so I wrote out some of my favorite Scriptures and placed them inside the dish and then covered it with plastic wrap. The person I gave it to said it blessed them tremendously. It was simple,easy and free!
So Theresa..."You go girl!" Love & HUGS!
Read more Titus 2 Tuesday posts by clicking the links below!
What a sweet tradition!
I suppose I should start following that rule since I live in the southland, haha!
my post today isn't a traditional T2T post, but I think it will be ok this one time! :) I highlighted 6 people in it.
I'm so glad you posted this. I have to return a dish to a neighbor that made us dinner and I wanted to take it back filled. I will fill it with a spiritual dish. Thanks!!
Loved your post, Shanda... mine isn't up to that level, but I still love meditating on the blessing of the women in my life! Thanks for offering that opportunity...
I really like that, very sweet.
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I actually did SCUBA dive again. More craziness. I am going to share my terrible stories over the next few weeks ")
I remember this post; it was such a sweet blessing! I haven't returned an empty dish lately, but then no one has brought me anything lately! :-)
A couple of weeks ago, however, I made Chicken Tetrazzini; the recipe made enough for two casseroles, so I figured I'd freeze one. While they were baking, our computer crashed ... and burned. It was totally wiped out. I remembered that my new neighbor mentioned that her husband was good with computers, so I called and asked if he could come over and take a look at it.
Long story short, I found out that my new neighbor's husband is a computer engineer (hooray!!), and he informed me that our computer was beyond retrieval, but he could restore it to "like new", which he did ... in record time.
That second Chicken Tetrazzini went home with him that night. I should've baked $100 bills in it because I'm sure he saved us many of those with his generous work! :-)
Hope your spring cleaning is going well!
Wow, you are always full of good tips! Love this idea!
Shanda - I loved this post. I don't know why I've never thought to do this before. Especially since I lived in the south for so many years!
This makes me want to go around collecting people's leftovers - just so I can return the dishes with little goodies inside :)
How sweet!
I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!
This is such a fabulous idea!!
Congrats on being saucy!
Great idea...happy SITS day!
I'm a Southern gal, and I must say, your Theresa is correct!
I love the idea of returning it with scriptures!
Thank you for passing along our "Southern Hospitality!"
What a great idea! Love it!!
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