Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Titus 2 Tuesday - You Are Never Too Old


Here we are at another
Titus 2 Tuesday! It is easy to join in-just answer the question below:

What have learned from another woman this week? (or ever)

Enter your link below and link back here somewhere within your post!

I am dedicating today's post to my amazing step mom, Beth. Our family was blessed to have her become a part of our family a few years after my mom died. She was my dad's rock through his cancer, and continues to be a blessing to us all even after his passing.

The thing that she is currently teaching me: You are never too old to live God sized adventures. She recently had a birthday which bumped her into the 7th decade of her life. Yet, she has answered the prompting of the Holy Spirit and is doing missions work in New Guinea as I type right now. She left back in October and will not return to the States until June. She has assisted missionaries in the bush, stayed with a couple in Australia for a bit while working out her Visa, and has been teaching at a missionary school.

Her e-mails are always filled with lessons that God is speaking to her own heart, love for people that she meets along her journeys, and anticipation for what is yet in store. I thank God for her strategic placement within our family.

I love you Beth! ("Mom")

Head on over to these blogs to read more lessons from Titus 2 Women in our lives!


joanofalltrades said...

She sounds like a real inspiration and a true blessing. I've learned how to love unconditionally from my mother. She has a wonderful way of putting everything in perspective for me.

Lora said...

What a beautiful relationship you must have! Thank you for sharing her with us today. :0)

Anonymous said...

Beth sounds like an amazing woman. She reminds me of something a "Titus 2" woman once said to me: "When I can't get around anymore, I intend to serve the Lord from my rocking chair."
May God continue to bless Bath's ministry.

Gretchen said...

Given your losses, it's such a gift that God brought Beth into your life. It's easy to see that you do cherish her. He's so amazing--giving us what we need before we even know we need it. Blessings on her missions work.

Unknown said...

How awesome!!! How lucky you are to have her. :) Thank you so much for sharing her with us today.

Something Marvellous said...

Thank you for sharing! I like your Titus Tuesdays!

seesawfaith said...

Sorry I'm late! We have had storms throughout the day and my wifi has been wi-nope.

Off to read the other T2T blog posts!

Tami (Pixeltrash) said...

Sounds like your step-mom is an awesome lady! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really enjoyed reading about your relationship with her!

Rachel Ann said...

What a wonderful example your stepmom is to Godly women. I believe as she does, "Be willing to go whereever and whenever God calls!"

I can't tell you how many times God has blessed me because I am willing to do whatever he asks, and I find blessing in the task He sets before me!