Life has been crazy these past few weeks, but there is finally a "light at the end of the tunnel" so to speak. Thank you all for hanging in there and continuing to read and comment although I haven't been posting consistently!
My husband and I attended the "Hillsong United" concert in MD on Monday night. It was absolutely amazing. I love the group - for the awesome songs, incredible talent, but even more for the hearts behind it all. As they led worship - and they truly were leading worship; not just performing. They would step back - out of the lights - and just let the crowd (thousands of us - just about every nationality you could imagine) sing. I caught a glimpse of what heaven might just look like at one point when we were all singing "Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest..." It was incredible. I've never had the opportunity to see a group so blended - as if every tribe, every nation, people of all ages, were represented -all coming together worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth.
Because we actually live in VA and had a babysitter; we had to leave before the concert was over. It was difficult to walk away. In a world where we so seldomly see masses of people gathering with such diversity to praise the one true God together - it encouraged my heart. I needed to see "the church" so alive, united, and boldly praising their Savior. God is actively at work in the hearts and lives of His people and drawing many to Him.
"...that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Phil. 2:10-11
Many Blessings!
Oh, January
1 week ago
Lurve them. Lurve that song. Repenting for my slight jealousy over your getting to go w/o me. ;)
Good for you in having a date which was so incredible. Nice that your hubby enjoys them, too. You're right--they don't perform--they lead worship. Take that moment with you all week, Shanda.
How cool that you were able to go! That's the hardest--leaving early for the sitter. :)
Sounds just incredible! It reminds me of how I felt after seeing Third Day a couple of months ago. We worshiped harder than ever before!!!! I find myself still longing for that kind of worship again!!!!
How awesome to be able to witness something that will be even more amazing to do someday in Jesus' presence! I would have had a tough time pulling myself away too!
By the way - I linked to you on an earlier post today! :)
Oh that is heavenly. I've had those worship experiences before and you really feel like the hairs on your arms are standing up and that Jesus could walk into the room at any moment.
I love feeling his presence like that. You are so blessed to have had that.
I'm so happy you got to go! I love those moments of worship where it is just you and God, knowing you are surrounded by people that are just as in love with him as you are!
I hope the joy and refreshing stay in your heart for a long time!
(I know about the leaving depression too! It makes me so excited for the day when we will never have to leave before the end, because there won't be one!)
Wow, I was so tearing up reading this and imagining being one with everyone there participating in worship to our God! We are one body, so I guess I was there. :)
Thanks for sharing this Shanda
Oh, it must have been so amazing to be in the midst of all those voices raised and singing Hosana! Just the thought makes me long for heaven.
OH WOW YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND WERE BLESSED! How cool is that? Way cool! :0) and all those sayings of delight. So glad you got to go...even if you had to leave a bit early.....some is better than none....agree?
God Bless
Sounds heavenly, pun intended. That must have been a great time together. Love Hillsong. What a powerful moment that must have been to realize that one day we will all be singing together to the Lord in His presence and have a glimpse of what it would be like. Mmmmm, good stuff.
That must have been wonderful. I am always touched by unity, as I think God is. I think your right "a glimpse of heaven"
Glad you had the chance to have great night out with your man! maybe summer will bring less to do?
Love ya!
WOW!!! I love them b/c I can sing their songs and feel like I am walking up to the throne itself. OH I hope one day they make it far enough south, so I can get a "glimpse" myself.
BTW - Thank you for Tuesday's post. I have been reading through the ENTIRE website and feel like I just found an answered prayer.
Great singing has done that for me, too, given a glimpse of heaven. Ideally the Lord would like for us to feel that every time we worship! Good post. wb
I love the verse you used in this post! I hope you had a fun time. Keep up thee great work!
What a great post. Stopping by from SITS to leave some bloggy love!
I'm not that familiar with Hillsong for grownups, but we LOVE LOVE LOVE Hillsong Kids over in children's ministry. Some of our alltime favorite stuff!
Glad you had a great time.
We saw Darlene and the Hillsong gang here in Toronto a few years back and I was struck by the exact same thing. I remember looking for Darlene on the stage and was really awed by the humility of the whole lot of them. So beautiful as they keep the focus on the One who it should go to and Who deserves it all!
Glad you had a great evening of that little glimpse of Heaven!
When you get to heaven and experience your first "glimpse" of His glory you will have to be strengthened because words cannot describe it. When you go to bed and get up the next morning, (it doesn't really happen this way), and get your second "glimpse" of His will exceed your first glimpse!!! And so it will continue throughout all eternity!! What a future "we" have in Christ!
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