I apologize to any of you who have noticed that my normal blogging "schedule" is a bit skewed this week! With Monday being a Holiday and the kids home it has thrown me off a bit. It was my intention to have posted yesterday and to "call it good" until Friday's post, but I am compelled to post again.
Music speaks deeply to me. I have come across a music video on You Tube that penetrated my heart where I am at right now and I had to share it with you.
My life has literally intersected with someone who (if I am honest with myself) I would normally avoid. I don't consider myself a judgmental person on the whole. I am who I am only by the grace of God and even having experienced the grace of God I have not always made perfect choices. Tatoos, piercings, unconventional dressing, etc. does not normally cause me hesitation when getting to know someone. But I have actually spoken to some of you about my contact with this person because it has been consuming my thoughts and disturbing me on several levels. To say that this person has chosen an "alternative lifestyle" would be an understatement. And yet, I am here at this place where I am face to face with this individual and I need to be until I complete a task and then there may still be residual contact that could be ongoing. At first, I just wanted to hold my breath and plow through this situation. I literally asked someone to watch my son so I would not have to have him exposed when I met with this person to go over some items.
However, as time has gone on, I am realizing more and more that this persons choices have most likely been made out of woundings that they have received/experienced throughout their life. I honestly still cannot comfortably look at this person "as a whole," but when I focus on their face when I am speaking to them I am finding that there is a person in there that I actually enjoy. I have been asking God to allow me to see this person through "Rose Colored Glasses." Wayne Watson's old song that speaks of how when God looks upon us he does not see the ugliness of our sin, but that his gaze passes through the blood of Christ.
I have been convicted about my quickness to judge instead of love as Christ would love. I have begun to pray for this individual. That God would redeem them, heal them, restore them, and make them whole in a way that they have never imagined. It seems such a huge task with my human eyes, but nothing is impossible with God. Please take a moment and watch this video. Please be praying for me as God is at work in my life and also in this individuals life. And those of you who attend church with me...be prepared! You may just meet this person one day!
Romans 3:23-24 "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." (emphasis mine)
Luke 1:37 "Nothing is impossible with God."
Many Blessings!
Oh, January
1 week ago
This reminds me, Shanda, of Matthew 9:10-13:
"While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and 'sinners' came and ate with Him and His disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked His disciples, 'Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?' On hearing this, Jesus said, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.' "
May He protect you as you minister, may His Holy Spirit speak through you, and may He richly bless your faithfulness and obedience!
A Teachable Heart! Sometimes God asks us to go a little deeper into the truth that we already know. May God Bless you with a spirit of wisdom and revelation that you may share God's love, truth and grace.
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