You may have noticed that I have changed my "Marital Moments" segment to Mondays. I liked the way "Marital Moment Mondays" flowed together so perfectly this past week that I decided to do it regularly.
I am dedicating this post to my wonderful step mother, Beth. Some of you may remember receiving her e-mails during the time that my dad was dying of cancer and the amazing perspective that she was able to maintain throughout it all because she knows her Lord and Savior.
Well, this 70 year old widow is now answering God's call on her life for missions work. She has always had an evangelic heart and has faithfully prayed for and supported missionaries as long as I have known her. One of her seven children, Maribeth, (and her husband Karl) are full time missionaries in New Guinea working with a tribe who has never heard about Jesus. Her son-in-law, Karl, has been working with other missionaries and some of the nationals to translate the Bible into their tribal language. My Dad and Beth went on a trip to visit Mari and Karl just before my dad learned that he had cancer. It was on both of their hearts to return and to assist Karl and Mari during the time when the "teaching" from the Bible translated in the Madak tongue was beginning. Although my dad is now in heaven and unable to do the work here on earth, it has not stopped his 70 year old widow from answering God's promptings to go and be a part of this amazing time with the Madak people. I am asking you to join in prayer for this tribe, for Karl-as he teaches, Mari as she assists in teaching the women, and Beth as she works with Karl and Mari's children and loves on the Madak people. Here is her latest e-mail message about her trip titled, "Have Suitcases, Will Travel:"
Good Afternoon!
When I was a kid there used to be a riddle which we had run into the ground. 'Why did the little boy throw his clock out the window?' 'He wanted to see time fly!' Well, I don't have to do a thing with my clock to see time fly. Here it is already-only 61/2 weeks before I take the long ride across the big pond to the land of the Madaks. The Madaks live high in the mountains on New Ireland Island in Papua New Guinea. And PNG is located just north east of Australia.
Why am I going a g a i n? Karl and Maribeth asked me to return to the mountain when Karl would begin to teach the Truth to the Madaks. And God put it on my heart to say 'I would'. I'll home school their three children for the 3 months that I will be with them as well as be a help in washing the veggies purchased from the nationals, do laundry, help prepare meals, etc.
Then I heard of a need for a special needs' teacher at the missionary Malango School on a neighboring island. And God put it on my heart to respond to that need. I'll be there from January thru May. In 2001 I was able to take the training to work with dyslexic students and now that training will be put to use on foreign soil. To me that is a God thing.
Then if possible I would like to return to Karl and Maribeth's island to help them pack up the house in preparation for their furlough. Everything has to be put into heavy duty zip lock bags to ward off the cockroaches and the mice and to protect as much as possible from mold.
That's it in a nut shell. Some time in late September or early October I'll board a plane in G.R. and start my 8-9 month journey to a land half way around the world.
By the way if you want to write via email my address will be No, there is no access to a cell phone or even a regular phone. If you write I will reply.
Did you know that when you pray for something or someone specifically you have a part in the answer? Oh, I know. God is the protector, the provider , the sustainer, etc. But we move His hand when we ask. That's a promise. From the sovereign God.
Would you partner with me as God brings this iddy biddy senior saint to your mind in asking Him to reveal His strong arm in the areas mentioned below? If you print this you could cut on the dotted line and put the reminder on your bathroom mirror or the refrig or your steering wheel.
Thank you in advance.
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1) Wisdom in preparing a power point presentation to be given at First Baptist in Reed City on Sept.7.
2) Safety in travel and while in the tribe
3) Strength in every area
4) Wisdom in home schooling Oct.-Dec. and wisdom working with the students at the Malango School Jan.-May
5) Faithfulness in my quiet time with my God
6) Understanding and acceptance of the Truth by the Madak people as they hear it for the first time
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I am proud to call this woman, Mom.
Many Blessings!
Oh, January
1 week ago
1 comment:
How awesome!!
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