Tuesday, January 13, 2009

5 Conversations in 5 Weeks

5 conversations in 5 weeks with Vicki Courtney

You may have noticed the box on the side of my blog advertising the "5 Conversations in 5 Weeks" Book Club. The book is "5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter" by Vicki Courtney. We are only on week 2 and if you have a daughter I encourage you to check it out. You don't even have to have her book yet to benefit from the information that is shared. Vicki Courtney is a writer and speaker who is passionate about raising our daughters in truth and purity. You can click here to check it out! You can simply click on each number to listen to Vicki's video comments and access the additional resources. She shared a video on Photoshop usage under Conversation #1 that is great for every woman to know.


Janice said...

I am a first time visitor. Is this book available to get at my local library or do I need to purchase it? I am interested in reading the book. Any help on what I could say to my daughter is something I am interested in learning about.

Janice said...

I also love the scripture in Proverbs 31. It really teaches the influence a women can have to our families and those around us. Its a good way to live.

Kathryn said...

Thank you for that, Shanda. I do plan to check it out.

Hope you have a glorious day! :-)

Laura Marchant said...

I should check this out.