Thursday, September 3, 2009

Where He Leads

I remember wondering exactly what people meant when they would say things like, "the Lord showed me..." or "God told me..." But gradually, over time, I have experienced it for myself. As I sought the Lord and prayed for eyes to see and ears to hear; I have gained some understanding. (Only some...there is always more to learn.)

Today as I share something that God has spoken to my heart; I am inviting you into a bit of my conversation with the Lord. Prayer, to me, is like an on-going dialogue. There is still great reverence as I enter His presence; but just as a child enters their father's presence, it is not all formalities.

As I have come to know God more; I want for Him to guide my steps. I desire to be completely in His will so I talk with Him about many things. Things perhaps that might seem trivial to some.

Just this morning I was going out for a walk/run. As I reached the end of my driveway, I asked, "Which way should I go this morning, Lord?" It has become as natural as breathing to ask simple things like this. Then I pause and wait for a direction to be impressed upon my mind. If neither direction seems to be popping into my mind, I test it a little. "This way Lord, should I take this path to the hill?" and then again, I wait (it only takes a few seconds though...not like I am standing at the bottom of my driveway for 5 minutes in indecision.) If I feel no specific leading, I choose on my own. But there are days when I will feel impressed to take a certain direction. Many of those times, I run into a neighbor that I haven't seen in awhile and I make it a point to stop and speak to those God brings into my path.

I attended the Beth Moore Simulcast this past weekend. The woman is blessed with insight from the Lord and I always walk away from studies she has written, etc. wanting more of God so I was excited to go. Friday night was awesome. God had given her a message about our hearts desires (Psalm 37) and how there are times when He moves past our hearts desires to get to the heart of our desire. Good stuff. How if our hearts desires line up with the Word of God and have stood the test of time but have not yet come to fruition that it either has to do with God's glory or our destiny. Timely encouragement for many; myself included.

Saturday morning I was tired. The air was heavy with humidity and it was all I could do to get out of bed. As Beth moved through her sessions, I began to mentally drift....(Sorry Beth! You were awesome! It was just me!)...thoughts of a birthday party my daughter and I were going to attend, wondering if I had hung up my shirt to dry that I had just washed or if it might end up getting shrunk in the dryer...but as I drifted in and out of focusing on the message, I began to want to get to the heart of something that has been on my mind.

I have been feeling that God has been wanting me to take some time off of blogging. But I haven't wanted I was praying about it. "Lord, do you want for me to slow down with my blogging? Maybe just post on Mondays or maybe just the Titus 2 Tuesdays?" I prayed. All kinds of thoughts about what I would miss if I stopped blogging and reading blogs rushed to my mind. "Surely you don't want for me to completely stop right now...I'm really enjoying these relationships you've led me to develop...I can see how you are using this blog for good...a couple of these bloggers really need encouragement right now; I don't want to leave them hanging..."

Right then, (I kid you not) Beth Moore yells (as she was making a point), "STOP IT!!! Don't slow down; don't do it a little! STOP IT!!" She was defining the meaning of "Be still" in Psalm 46:10 vs. in Psalm 37:7 and showing how the definitions differ slightly in the Hebrew. I sat there stunned for a minute and then silently prayed, "That was for me wasn't it Lord? That is what you've been trying to tell me. To STOP blogging for awhile and to be still before you more?"

Aren't you glad that God isn't sarcastic? If He was you can bet His answer would have been, "You think?!?!?! How much louder could I have said it for you???"

Instead, it was as if I were released from something and peace flooded my soul. This verse came to mind:

"See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me." Song of Solomon 2:11-13 (emphasis my own)

Since that moment; this Scripture has been affirmed to me three times. My husband mentioned to me on a walk that God had given this Scripture to him. (The first part...not the "darling/beautiful" part ;) I had not mentioned it to him and quite honestly was surprised that he would mention a verse from Song of Solomon!) And two of my blogging friends that I know IRL and on line both used this passage in a post since then. Each time I have read the verse I feel the same peace that this is His path for me right now.

So...I am choosing to follow where He is leading with this - beginning immediately after I hit "Publish." This will be it for awhile; until He leads me back here to write again. I am not sensing that this is meant to be a "forever STOP," but rather a block of time.

I will no doubt miss our conversations and I do anticipate that I will continue reading posts here and there. I just won't be commenting as regularly as I normally do. You are welcome to leave me messages (or e-mail me), prayer requests, etc. here off and on if you choose or want to respond to a comment I leave on a post.

I have asked Bethany at Happyascanbe to host the Titus 2 Tuesdays in my absence. I know she will do an amazing job and if you don't already "know" her, I encourage you to stop by and introduce yourself.

May God bless you and keep you. May He make His face shine upon you and give you peace!

Much "Bloggy" love,


*I will be speaking at the upcoming MOPS International Convention (at a break out session.) If you are going to be there; I'd love to meet up with some of you!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Titus 2 Tuesday - True Hearts

What have learned from another woman this week? (or ever) Write your own "Titus 2 Post" (linking back here somewhere within the body of your post) and enter your link below!

My life has been touched by so many here in the blogging world. I know many of us have said this, but it is simply amazing how connected you can feel to those who you have never met face to face! Today I am honoring several of you who have been a blessing in my life in one way or another throughout this past year.

Thank you so much to Christy over at The Secret Life of an American Wife and Mom for passing on the True Heart and Loyal Friend and Visitor awards to me. She has such a heart for the Lord and for her family I can see why someone passed them on to her! Thank you again girl! I'm blessed to call you my friend!

"those who receive this award are of the sweetest nature. they are kind, friendly, funny, loving, eager to share their love for Jesus with others, and brave in their efforts to reflect Him to this darkened world. they are the kind of folks you're blessed to know, even if it's only in the bloggy-sphere."
These ladies are all fabulous and I hope that if you see an unfamiliar name/blog that you will stop by and get to know them! You'll be glad that you did!

Jeneil at Autism in a Word - Her husband has just deployed to Iraq; if you have a favorite Scripture I would love it if you'd leave it in her comment section and show her some extra "blogger love" today!

Daughter of the King - I love Dawn's zest for God and life - it is contagious!

Farmgirl Paints - Becky is awesome; I love her creativity & her authenticity of faith and life!

Eddins 4 - You all got to "meet" Belinda previously when she guest posted; so you probably already know and love her!

Happyascanbe - One of the sweetest bloggers I've met; so full of hope and love!

Off the Beaten Trek - Rosel is a nurse in a correctional facility. Her faith and Christ's love flows so freely through this beautiful vessel of the Lord.

Jewels In My Crown...Someday - Gretchen's Gladitude posts are one of my Monday highlights.

Once Upon a Miracle - Rachel has such a rich blend of laughter and love in her posts.

Grace Talk With Daveda - God's hand is evident upon this beautiful friend of mine. She is passionate about sharing God's gift of grace!

Life By The Creek - Whenever Pam comments before me somewhere it is amazing that I always feel like just writing, "ditto!" She and I are constantly tracking together!

Pure Wells - Kathryn speaks God's truth with boldness and grace. If you are ready to dive deeper; check her blog out!

Write From the Heart - Lelia is such a gifted writer and communicator! I always leave her posts moved in some way.

Focused on the Center - Shannon is so real about her faith. She invites you to be real as you move closer in your relationship with the Lord.

Serenity Now - A Mommy's Solution to Staying Sane - Amanda has a mixture of home decor, projects, fun children moments, and laughter. If you get a chance, read this post!

The Joy of Denim and Lace - When I think about meditating on Scripture, Joybug comes to mind. She is a woman of the Word.

Even Till the End of Time - This sweet friend (IRL) always reminds me of the sweet power of prayer.

Trading Ashes for Beauty - Jennifer has such beautiful depth to offer. I love her Thankful Thursdays.

Sunshine and Sprinkles - Absolutely and adorably in love God and a Coastie - her blog never looks the same every time you visit! ;)

Stand Firm for Christ - Just getting to know this blogger, but her title says it all!

Take Me The Way I Am - I love Lora's obvious love of the Lord, people, fun, & food!

His Girl - Amber is creative, witty, and she actually gets paid to tell children about Jesus!

Girl in a Glass House - This blog is powerful in so many ways. Not only is each post inspiring and thought provoking; but there is amazing depth to the comment section as well!

O.k., there are more that I could easily list; but I will leave a few for these fabulous ladies to pass the awards on to!!

What have you learned from another wise woman? ALL of us can learn something from one another. Join in and then go read these posts!